If you would like further information about Brownies and how to join please contact Cheryl Rousell aka Brown Owl on 01634 271123
Brownie Gold Award
Harriet and Amiele are sisters who attend 2nd Wainscott Brownies and they managed with the rest of the unit to raise £270.00 for the Oliver Fisher Unit at Medway Hospital.
Harriet’s managed to obtain a Gold Award through Brownies so was asked to choose a charity. Raising the money and finding out about her chosen Charity was the last part of her achieving her Gold Award. To get the Gold award you have to earn an interest badge, a skill builder and so many hours of Unit Meeting activities in each area. You have to get all three in all six themes and gain all six theme awards. The Take Action theme award was the last one she did to gain her Gold Award.
The photo shows Amiele and Harriet receiving a certificate from their chosen Charity and Harriet was also awarded her badge,
These are:
Know Myself
Earn your Brownies Know Myself award by doing:
1 interest badge: Collecting, My rights or Local history
1 stage of Reflect or Network skills builders
4 hours of Know Myself unit meeting activities.
Express Myself
Earn your Brownies Express Myself award by doing:
1 interest badge: Performing, Baking or Painting
1 stage of Innovate or Communicate skills builders
4 hours of Express Myself unit meeting activities
Be Well
Earn your Brownies Be Well award by doing:
1 interest badge: Dancing, Grow your own or Mindfulness
1 stage of Feel good or First aid skills builders
4 hours of Be Well unit meeting activities
Have Adventures
Earn your Brownies Have Adventures award by doing:
1 interest badge: Archaelogy, Aviation or Space
1 stage of Camp or Explore skills builders
4 hours of Have Adventures unit meeting activities
Take Action
Earn your Brownies Take Action award by doing:
1 interest badge: Speaking out, Charities or Zero waste
1 stage of Make change or Influence skills builders
4 hours of Take Action unit meeting activities
Skills For My Future
Earn your Brownies Skills For My Future award by doing:
1 interest badge: Inventing, Jobs or Languages
1 stage of Lead or Live smart skills builders
4 hours of Skills For My Future unit meeting activities
If you would like further information about Brownies and how to join please contact Cheryl Rousell aka Brown Owl on 01634 271123